馬百良珠珀猴棗散 (6 瓶)
主要功效:化痰止咳,清肺润喉,喉痛声沙。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 35.00
$ 21.99
Shou Wu Chih Fo-Ti Extract Tonic, Alcohol Free (17.5oz) - 2 Bottles
Shou Wu Chih Fo-Ti Extract Tonic, Alcohol Free (17.5oz) - 2 Bottles This herbal tonic links to a number of health benefits such as healthy aging and longevity. Also known...
$ 49.99
$ 29.99
麝香保心丸(60粒) 麝香保心丸,中成药名。为丸剂,具有芳香温通,益气强心之功效。用于气滞血瘀所致的胸痹,症见心前区疼痛、固定不移;心肌缺血所致的心绞痛、心肌梗死见上述证候者。*用法用量:每天3次,每次1-2粒。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot...
$ 27.99
$ 18.99
广西九千岁纯中药特效痛风茶 (10包)
【功效】:快速止痛除濕, 排毒排酸; 快速疏通經脈, 調節體內平衡, 提高免疫力;【产品成分】:桑叶,白芷,金银花,湖精,葡萄糖【饮用方法】:成人每次1-2包,每日1-2次,饭后50ml开水冲服-忌空腹.或遵医务人员嘱咐.
请注意:这些声明尚未经过FDA评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。 本产品不能代替医生的处方药。
$ 65.00
$ 47.00
Kushen Chumanzao, Herbal Soap (1 Soap)
Kushen Chumanzao, Herbal Soap (1 Soap) Directions: Place the product in the palm or foam net, soaked and rubbed out the rich foam disease applied to the face or the...
$ 9.99
$ 5.99
位元堂养阴丸4.5克 (24包)
【位元堂】始创于清光绪二十三年(1897年),百年历史,源远流长;与时并进,不断革新。20年代,【位元堂】始创人之一潘厚存先生,研制出一种主治肺痨之秘方,选取上等珍贵药材配制成药,名声昭着。多项产品更屡获国家颁发奖状殊荣,并有「一条生路」之称誉,深受用家爱戴及信赖。 十大名牌 口碑载道。 【位元堂】于2001年工展会中荣获「香港十大名牌」之殊荣。* 适应症主要是身体虚弱的人,比如长时间患病的人,出现体质下降、中气衰弱、气血不足,都适合通过养阴丸进行缓慢的调整。养阴丸可以改善患者的精力,特别是对于改善营养、促进衰弱的器官恢复功能,都有很好的效果。很多患者长时间患病,或者是患有某些慢性疾病,会导致头晕、视物旋转、面色苍白、新陈代谢明显减慢、食欲下降,并且伴有生活、饮食的不规律,因为工作压力大、精神压力大等等,造成患者的亚健康状态,都适合养阴丸来调整。* 用法用量: 每日1次,每次1包,溫水送服 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease....
$ 75.00
$ 56.99
用于消化不良、食欲不振、胃酸过多,胀气等。*用法:成人每次1袋,一天三次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 4.99