Moxibustion Knee Patch (4 Patches)
Suitable for knee synovitis, traumatic synovitis, knee, ankle, and lumbar pain, joint swelling, and difficult walking Active Ingredients: Menthol 9%, Capsicum 11%, Methyl Salicylale 12% Inactive Ingredients: Clfinese Sweet Gum...
$ 13.99
$ 7.99
Moxibustion Cervical Vertbra Patch (4 Patches)
Suitable for knee synovitis, traumatic synovitis, knee, ankle, and lumbar pain, joint swelling, and difficult walking Active Ingredients: Menthol 9%, Capsicum 11%, Methyl Salicylale 12% Inactive Ingredients: Clfinese Sweet Gum...
3 reviews
$ 13.99
$ 7.99
该产品适用于肩周炎引起的颈椎病、筋骨疼痛、通风、麻木等。* 用法: 成人或儿童2岁以上,每次1贴,贴于患处。2岁以下儿童:使用前请咨询医生。 不良反应: 过敏性体质患者可能有胶布过敏反应或药物接触性瘙痒反应,遇此,贴用时间不宜超过12小时。偶见红肿、水泡等,遇此应停药。 注意事项:1、皮肤破伤处不宜使用。 2、皮肤过敏者停用。 3、每次贴与皮肤的时间少于12小时,使用中发生皮肤发红、瘙痒等轻微反应时可适当减少粘贴时间。 4、小儿、年老患者应在医师指导下使用。 5、药品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 6、儿童必须在成人的监护下使用。 7、请将此药品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 8、如正在服用其他药物,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to...
$ 12.99
$ 6.99
Deity of America Moxibustion Warm Patch (10 Patches)
Use New Formula Moxa Patches to Warm The Meridians, Increase Circulation, Boost Immunity. the patch consists of three layers: heating layer, moxa leaf layer and an adhesive layer. The heating...
2 reviews
$ 27.00
$ 16.99
Hisamitsu Mohrus Tape L 40mg Muscle Pain Relief Patch (7 Patches) - 2 Sets
Effectively relieve muscle pain by just applying the patch to the affected area. Anti-inflammatory ingredients penetrate on the skin.* 2 Sets - 14 Patches Total Stretchable patch that adheres tightly...
8 reviews
$ 20.00
$ 13.99
* 请注意:治疗声明:这些声明不能由FDA评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。 本产品不能替代您的医生处方药。