3瓶 保心安油(30ml)
可舒缓因轻微碰撞或扭伤引起之肌肉或关节疼痛,轻微头疼,舟车劳顿引起的头晕,蚊虫引起的痕痒。*用法:按部位大小,涂1/4毫升到二毫升,涂完后轻轻按摩患处。一次四次,每隔三小时一次。Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
17 reviews
$ 60.00
$ 45.99
依马打正紅花油 (25ML)
镇痛油 疼痛减轻背痛 用于扭伤,压力和瘀伤 用于僵硬的肌肉和关节炎 临时镇痛油用作止痛剂,疼痛和僵硬的肌肉。也用于扭伤,压力和瘀伤。可用于颈部和肩部以及所有关节炎。 请注意:这些陈述未经FDA评估。本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。本产品不能替代您的医生处方药。
3 reviews
$ 18.00
$ 13.99
外用止痛剂由薄荷,肉豆蔻油,樟脑油,丁香油的混合物用于与关节炎和风湿条件相关的扭伤,瘀伤,损伤,背痛等症状。香港NDC#51367-016-48破痛油有一百多年的历史。由于简单的缓解背痛,关节炎,扭伤,消退,风湿关节,腰酸背痛,四肢麻痹,头部和肩部疼痛,肌肉和关节的疼痛,具有极好的疗效。用法:对于2岁以上的成人和儿童:适用于受影响的日常不超过3至4次。 2岁以下的儿童:不要使用,请咨询医生。
4 reviews
$ 28.00
$ 19.50
依马打正红花油,活血散寒,消肿止痛。用于风湿骨痛,腰酸腿痛,头风胀痛,扭伤瘀肿,跌打伤痛,蚊叮虫咬。**Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
5 reviews
$ 50.00
$ 34.99
3瓶 保心安油(30ml)
可舒缓因轻微碰撞或扭伤引起之肌肉或关节疼痛,轻微头疼,舟车劳顿引起的头晕,蚊虫引起的痕痒。*用法:按部位大小,涂1/4毫升到二毫升,涂完后轻轻按摩患处。一次四次,每隔三小时一次。Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
6 reviews
$ 20.00
$ 16.99
- 镇痛油
- 疼痛减轻背痛
- 用于扭伤,压力和瘀伤
- 用于僵硬的肌肉和关节炎
Dai Nguyen as listed
Tri Quan shipping is on time. Wong Lop Kong Medicated Oil is good and effective to clear bruise on the body. recommend it to use.
Brian Groven Wong Lop Kong Medicated Oil (30ml)