作用: 珍珠明目滴眼液,清热泻火,养肝明目,用于视力疲劳症和慢性结膜炎。*用法用量:滴入眼睑内,一次1~2滴,一日3~5次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
6 reviews
$ 14.99
$ 9.99
护眼灵胶囊 (120 粒)
护眼灵是以叶黄素(Lutein)为主,再结合越橘(Bilerry)营养配方保护眼睛。叶黄素(Lutein)是一种抗氧化剂,可有效防治黄斑退化症所致的视力减退,防止失明。65岁以上的老人失明最常见的原因是衰老所引起的黄斑退化症,超过20%的65岁以上老人均患有黄斑退化症。更年期后的妇女患此病的概率增加了50%。黄斑退化症无法治愈,最好的办法是积极预防(黄斑是指位于视网膜中央区的专门负责视觉传导的中枢小区)。 GNP护眼灵不但可以为眼睛提供充足的养分,有效地预防黄斑退化症、青光眼、白内障,以及因衰老和用眼不当导致的视力衰退,还可以使眼睛更加滋润,明亮、清澈,是网络族、股票族、上班族以及司机、飞机驾驶员、近视眼和经常看电视的人每日必备的护眼佳品。 建议使用:每日1次,每次1粒. Made In U.S.A. Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease....
1 review
$ 26.00
$ 20.99
明目精 (120粒)
明目精含豐富的保護眼睛的各纇維他命, 礦物質及抗氧化劑。可防止因用眼過度, 電腦顯示器電磁輻射引起的眼睛幹燥不適、紅腫、瘙癢等癥狀. 保護眼睛晶狀軆, 預防視力減退, 保持雙目明亮有神。 建议使用: 每日2粒,饭后服用。 产地: 美国 Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure...
$ 25.00
$ 13.99
Garden of Life Herbals Eye Health (30 Vegan Softgels)
Garden of Life Herbals Eye Health†—Herbal Eye Care Supplement† Eye health is critical to our wellbeing, especially as we age. Garden of Life Herbals Eye Health† formula includes multiple...
$ 41.99
$ 29.39
Dr. Formulated Multi Plus Beauty Complex (30 Capsules)
Description Helps support hair, skin, and nail health† Helps support healthy skin after sun exposure† Antioxidant vitamins A, C & E help protect your skin from damaging free radicals† Helps...
$ 45.00
$ 29.99
建議使用: 每天服用2粒胶囊.
成分表 | |
Bottle Size: | 120 Capsules |
Serving Size: | 2 Capsules |
Serving Per Container: | 60 |
Ingredients: | Amount Per Serving: |
Lutein | 20 mg |
Bilberry | 160 mg |
Citrus Bioflavonoids | 100 mg |
Zeaxanthin | 10 mg |
Other Ingredients: Fine Rice Powder, Magnesium Stearate |
Evan MacDonald I was diagnosed with "4th nerve palsy" in my right eye. This supplement helped turn my six month expected healing time into just two months.
judy snider love the natural ingredients, it absolutely seems to be helping with night glare and tv/internet glare
John Jacob Total Eye Complex, Eye Vitamins with Lutein & Bilberry (120 Capsules)
Barb Maxwell Good ingredients and the best price that I could find.