Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair, Advanced MSM Formula (120 Tablets)
$ 24.99
$ 17.50
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Solgar Calcium Magnesium Plus Zinc (250 Tablets)
We know calcium keeps our bones and teeth strong and healthy*. But did you know magnesium and zinc are also essential to the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth?* A...
$ 29.00
$ 19.95
Solgar Triple Strength Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM Shellfish-Free (120 Tablets)
Joint Health; Glucosamine promotes joint health and nutritionally works to promote the structural framework of healthy joints Comfortable Movement; Glucosamine & Chondroitin provide glycosaminoglycans, which are required for healthy cartilage,...
3 reviews
$ 75.00
$ 42.00
Solgar 氨糖软骨素MSM酯C 片(180粒)
Solgar 公司简介:Solgar美国顶级营养素品牌,自1947年成立以来不断的生产和创新优良的营养补充品。我们从来没有忘记最初的使命为消费者提供最优质的,以研究,科学,教育和服务为基础的产品和营养信息,维护和不断提高质量的黄金标准,黄金标准的Solgar产品是比政府的要求更严格的(The Solgar Gold Standard™ is much more stringent than the government requires)。 Solgar最早使用素食者专用Vegetable capsule,并通过犹太洁食认证和清真洁食认证,即按照犹太,清真饮食教规对食品、辅料和添加剂进行认证,并获美国FDA检测机构Shuster Lab “Substantial(最优)AA”。我们公司自开业几十年来始终稳定的销售着Solgar产品,高品质的Solgar是欧美高端消费者认可的首选品牌产品介绍:氨糖是组成关节软骨的主要营养成分,服用葡萄糖胺,可在软骨组织中形成聚葡萄糖胺,帮助增加关节腔的软骨发育,以及增加关节腔的润滑液.它可以合成蛋白多糖来刺激软骨细胞的生长,促进形成关节软骨组织,达到预防关节炎的发生。*软骨素是市场上常见的一种缓解疼痛的药物。硫酸软骨素作为软骨结构的成分之一,可以加速关节的修复、保留水分、使营养成分快速渗透至软骨中。* 建议用量:作为成人的膳食补充剂,每日服用三(3)片,最好在进餐时服用,或按照医疗保健医生的指示服用。 美国制造 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA....
6 reviews
$ 45.00
$ 33.99
Solgar氨基葡萄糖透明质酸硫酸软骨素 MSM(120粒)
氨基葡萄糖支持活动性、运动范围和灵活性。它有助于缓解由于运动或身体活动引起的偶发性关节压力。软骨素支持软骨和关节功能。MSM(甲基磺酰基甲烷)提供天然的、生物可利用的硫源并促进关节舒适性。MSM协同工作以支持葡糖胺和软骨素的益处。该制剂还提供透明质酸。 超强效力不含贝类促进健康关节支持舒适运动非转基因成分不含小麦和乳制品无麸质认证膳食补充剂再生葡萄糖胺...成分... BioCell胶原蛋白OptiMSM建议的使用方式作为成人的膳食补充剂,每日3次,推荐饭中服用,或咨询专业保健人员。其他成份植物纤维素,微晶纤维素,植物硬脂酸,二氧化硅,植物硬脂酸镁,植物甘油。不含:面筋,小麦,乳制品,大豆,酵母,糖,人造香料,甜味剂,防腐剂和颜色。美国制造 Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
12 reviews
$ 59.99
$ 35.99
Solgar One Daily Women's Multivitamin Whole Body Support (60 Capsules)
Features : Supports: Reproductive & Breast Health, Energy & Stress, Bone & Heart Health, Immune Health 18 essential vitamins & minerals at 100% or above the recommended daily value Highly...
$ 29.99
$ 21.74
- Nutrients For Skin, Nails, And Hair; Many nutrients cannot be delivered to the body externally; Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair delivers a daily dose of Zinc (136% DV), Vitamin C (133% DV), Copper, MSM, and other key nutrients that support collagen
- Zinc & MSM; Zinc is trace mineral that plays a role in the synthesis of collagen in bone tissue; MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a source of naturally present, bioavailable sulfur, a mineral that supports connective tissue & healthy joint cartilage
- Rich In Antioxidants; This formula helps support collagen, a major component of skin, nails & hair that can decrease as we age; Antioxidants like Vitamin C fight damaging free radicals, protecting cells from oxidative stress & premature aging
- Non GMO, Gluten Free, And Kosher; Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair Tablets are suitable for vegans; Free of: gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, yeast, sugar, sodium, artificial flavor and sweetener
Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement for adults, take two (2) tablets daily, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.
*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s prescription medicine.