特級花旗参原尾爪参 (1lb)
特級花旗参原尾爪参 (8 oz)
4 Bags Premium American Ginseng Medium Long (4 oz.)
美国花旗参A級精选原尾中泡(4oz. 8oz. or 1 lb 袋裝)
It has the right size so that it's great for making Ginseng tea or used as herbal medicine. You need need to boil the roots to extract the flavor and get medicinal value from these roots. Once water is boiled, set stove/range to low to boil for 45 minutes to one hour. Remember to put enough water in the pot!
Good deal. The ginseng prone has strong aroma and flavor.
In the summer, I often sweat a lot, using American ginseng to boil water can benefit the vitality. This American ginseng is cost-effective, and I look forward to a good effect.
还没拆开就闻到香味了,吃了一个,挺甘的,目前来看是好评.还没试煲.好的话,以后再来买! 听说参须可以补血,也可以养血、同时也可以补气益气还能滋阴补阴对于女性来说常吃参须有很好的养颜功效,还可以抗衰老。所以专门买来试试看! 希望能有效果