
广西九千岁纯中药特效痛风茶 (10包)

【功效】:快速止痛除濕, 排毒排酸; 快速疏通經脈, 調節體內平衡, 提高免疫力;【产品成分】:桑叶,白芷,金银花,湖精,葡萄糖【饮用方法】:成人每次1-2包,每日1-2次,饭后50ml开水冲服-忌空腹.或遵医务人员嘱咐. 请注意:这些声明尚未经过FDA评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。 本产品不能代替医生的处方药。
$ 65.00 $ 49.99


功用:祛风通络,趋寒止痛。* 主治:风寒侵袭经络,肢体筋脉挛痛,关节伸屈不利,疼痛游走不定;中风后手足不仁,日久不愈,经络中有痰湿死血,腰腿沉重,或腿臂间作痛;跌打损仿,瘀阻经络而疼痛者。*用法用量:每天2次,每次3粒。SafetyConsult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach...
$ 25.00 $ 15.99


$ 55.00 $ 29.99


日本塔牌坐骨神经痛丸产品是经由日本医学界腾泽博士等科学家选用王道古方,配以名贵中草药用现代科学方法精制而成。可帮助缓解坐骨神经痛、腰酸背痛、骨刺麻痹等。* 用法用量:口服。每次2粒,每天2次。SafetyConsult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach...
$ 25.00 $ 17.99


特效痛风靈采用现代草药研究方法研制而成的草药复方制剂配方研制从痛风的病根出发,含多种植物碱性成分,从根本上解决嘌呤代谢及尿酸排泄问题,恢复自主排酸功能,中和血液中的碱性物质,将沉积在关节、软组织处的尿酸盐结晶中和、溶解、排出. 降酸减痛独家配方 • 欧洲酸樱桃 - 富含抗氧化剂多酚化合物. 可促进尿酸排泄,减缓痛 风跟其复发率,缓解关节痛和痛风 • 凤梨蛋白酶 - 含消炎酵素「凤梨蛋白酶」, 改善关节炎的肿痛症状, 舒缓肌肉及关节伤害, 促进手术后伤口的复原 • 槲皮素 - 具有抗炎、抗氧化和凋亡诱导等活性, 能帮助降低过高的尿酸水平 • 芹菜籽萃取 -天然治疗因子3nB可降低,抑制尿酸及痛风的产生, 抗氧化抗发炎及缓解痛风,关节炎 • 紫苏 - 抗血栓、降低血压, 减肥、降血脂的功能含有丰富的营养素,可增强免疫功能 •...
$ 49.99 $ 29.99


用法用量:温黄酒或温开水送服。一次1-2丸,一日2次。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 39.99 $ 21.99


产品作用:帮助修复受伤软骨,恢复关节青春活力。口服液新配方,吸收快效果好。注意:含有来自贝类的成分 - 对贝类过敏的个体不应使用。使用方法:将塑料尖锐的一端插入金属盖饮用,日服两瓶。请注意:这些声明尚未经过FDA评估。本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。本产品不能代替医生的处方药。
$ 45.00 $ 36.99


养血舒筋,祛风除湿。用于调理风寒湿痹。用法:每次8粒,每天2次,孕妇禁用。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 11.00 $ 6.99


主治:椎间盘突出,骨刺腰骨,骨节退弱,痛风,风湿骨痛,风湿关节炎,腰酸背痛,手软脚震,坐骨神经痛,四肢麻木,头痛,背痛骨痛,骨刺麻痹,骨质增生等均有显著疗效。* 用法用量:病轻者:每次二至三次,每次一粒。病重者:每日服两次,每次两粒。禁忌:孕妇及小孩不能直接服用。若病痛持续,则需寻医诊治。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
$ 29.99 $ 21.99

广西九千岁纯中药特效痛风茶 (10包)

【功效】:快速止痛除濕, 排毒排酸; 快速疏通經脈, 調節體內平衡, 提高免疫力;【产品成分】:桑叶,白芷,金银花,湖精,葡萄糖【饮用方法】:成人每次1-2包,每日1-2次,饭后50ml开水冲服-忌空腹.或遵医务人员嘱咐. 请注意:这些声明尚未经过FDA评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。 本产品不能代替医生的处方药。
$ 65.00 $ 47.00


祛风活络,除湿止痛。用于调理风寒湿痹。用法:每次6粒,每天2次,孕妇禁用。Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 11.00 $ 6.99

Ginseng Plus Feng Shi Wan (20 Capsules)

Traditionally use for temporary arthritis pain relief.* Product of Malaysia Directions: 2 capsules per day. Use with warm water, after a meal. *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated...
$ 25.00 $ 17.99
-31%Sold Out


风湿骨刺丹拥有特效成分, 能迅速而有效地舒缓各种关节不适。它也含有多种高分量天然维生素,能促进新陈代谢及血液循环,维持神经组织,肌肉及手足神经的正常* 主治:腰酸背疼,风湿骨刺,四肢麻木,四肢麻痹,四肢震软,气血不通,风湿类关节炎,坐骨腰痛,腰椎劳损,伸屈不顺等。* 用法用量:每天2次,每次2粒。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product...
$ 22.00 $ 14.99
-36%Sold Out

颈复康颗粒 (12袋)

功用:活血通络 散风止痛 颈椎病。* 用法用量:每天2次,每次1-2袋。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product...
$ 25.00 $ 15.99