同仁堂麻仁润肠丸 (10粒)
功效:用于暂时帮助润肠通便。 *建议用量:口服。 每次2粒,每日2次。消耗前取出外蜡层和塑料容器。 咀嚼或吞下较小的部分。 孕妇禁用*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product...
$ 18.00
$ 11.99
本产品温补肾阳,化气行水。用于肾虚水肿,腰膝酸软,小便不利,畏寒肢冷。* 用法用量:将外包装拆掉口服。一次1丸,一日2次。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
2 reviews
$ 15.00
$ 11.99
规格:3克*6丸用法用量:口服。一次1丸,一日1次。注意:孕妇禁用。肝肾功能不全者慎用。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
5 reviews
$ 38.00
$ 21.99
同仁堂附子理中丸大蜜丸 (10粒)
在中医理论中,脾在消化中起着核心的作用。脾不但调节人体对食物中营养成分到血液的吸收,脾还负责把营养成分转化为精,气,阴,阳等在中医中最为基本的控制整体机能的元素。一个强壮的脾可以弥补精,气,阴或阳的先天不足。如果脾功能虚弱,消化功能就会受影响,身体健康就会出现问题。 脾功能一个常见的问题是阳虚。脾阳虚常与胃阳虚一起出现。症状可见胃冷,腹痛,腹胀,呕吐,泄泻,手足发凉。例如,不能吃冷水,冷牛奶,否则就会腹泻;腹痛喜暖、喜按,手按后或热水袋敷后腹痛减轻。 附子理中丸是用来增强脾胃阳气的首选中成药。该中成药方包含多个温阳、健脾、补气的中药。其中附子回阳补火、散寒除湿,炮姜温中祛寒以助脾阳,党参大补元气以助运化,白术健脾燥湿,甘草益气和中(脾胃),调和诸药。 在中国药典里[1],附子理中丸温中健脾。用于脾胃虚寒,脘腹冷痛,呕吐泄泻,手足不温。 组成成分: 附子(制)、党参、白术(炒)、炮姜、甘草。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease....
4 reviews
$ 15.00
$ 11.99
用于z暂时缓解疏肝解郁,和胃.* 用法用量:口服。水蜜丸一次45丸,一日2次。 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
6 reviews
$ 14.99
$ 9.99
功效: 暂时帮助清胃泻火。 *
建议用量:口服。 每次2粒,每日2次。消耗前取出外蜡层和塑料容器。 咀嚼或吞下较小的部分。孕妇禁用
*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s prescription medicine.
Jorn Chang This is useful for cleaning the stomach and lessen the pain in teeth.
Noah it doesn't have too strong of an odor, so it isn't hard to eat it.
lee it is very cute medicine, after you open the wax outer protective layer you will see a large ball of black medicine. the medicine it self is hard to swallow, so you have to break it into smaller pieces. you will be able to get the children to eat it as they play with this play-doh like medicine.