Isatis Root Granule Ban Lan Gen Sample (3 Packets)
*请注意:治疗声明:这些声明不能由FDA评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。 本产品不能替代您的医生处方药。
I try to fight infection in my body right from the beginning, In case of common cold, or sore throat or upper respiratory or just suspicion of Covid 19 possibility, Isatis works wonders for me. I get quick results with Isatis, my body stays strong. No side effects, gentle on my stomach.
Ban Lan Gen (Isatis Root) is a Chinese herbal medicine anti-viral remedy. Taken when you feel the very first signs of a cold, the cold is less severe. You can also take a capsule a day to help prevent colds. This is a product I use all the time, since I work in a health clinic. I found it here cheaper and with free shipping. Didn't have to fight crowds, spend money on gas, or put wear and tear on the car. Better all the way around.