

川贝是一临床常用的清热化痰药,其味甘苦、微寒,具有清热润肺、化痰止咳、散结消肿的功效。可用于治疗久咳、虚劳咳嗽、燥热咳嗽、瘰疬痈疮肿毒以及乳痈、肺痈等病的治疗。 由于川贝清泻肺热、燥化热痰、润肺止咳的作用较明显,而其散结消肿的作用较弱。因此,临床上多用于治疗久咳不愈、阴虚燥热咳嗽、肺热咳嗽等症。同时还可作为食疗,比如与百合、麦冬等一起可用来熬粥或煲汤等都能起到化痰止咳润肺的效果。**Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 39.99
-25%Sold Out

ABC 手足癣膏(1 oz.)

适用: ABC手足癣膏为强效之抗霉菌药。临床证明ABC手足癣膏对足癣(香港脚), 手癣(香港手), 股癣,体癣(圆癣),均效果显著。此膏止痒快,并能防继发感染。易复发者,皮肤光滑后每日涂擦一次,可防复发。如果您怀孕或哺乳,请勿使用。如果症状持续或恶化,请咨询保健医生。请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。咨询医疗保健从业者超过7天使用。仅限于外用。避免接触眼睛 ,不要使用永久性热敷,如电热垫,因为这可能导致过度的皮肤刺激或皮肤灼伤。不要使用永久性热量,如电热垫,因为这可能导致过度的皮肤刺激或皮肤灼伤。*请注意:这些声明未经FDA评估。本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。本产品不能代替医生的处方药。
$ 19.99 $ 14.99

Salonpas Pain Relieving Patch (140 Patches)

The strength of Salonpas® Pain Relieving Patch has been improved with more medicine than the Original Salonpas®. Salonpas® Pain Relieving Patch has three active ingredients in a more flexible, 20% larger and...
$ 27.00 $ 19.99
-25%Sold Out


纯植物配以金桔柠檬精心炼制,清凉润喉。*  *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your...
$ 19.99 $ 14.99

TingStyle High Quality Copper Moxa Box with Carry Case

About the product High Quality Copper Moxa Box, Durable and Good Conductivity Package Included: 1 X TingStyle Roll Burner Box, 1 X Cloth Bag Travel Case Temperature Control With Air...
$ 15.99 $ 11.99

(4盒)三蛇膽川貝液 (6支/1盒)

功效:驱风,散结,肺热咳嗽,痰多,气喘,胸闷。*用法:口服。一次1瓶。一日2次。Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach...
$ 39.99 $ 29.99


六神驱蚊花露水的驱蚊原理是因为添加了安全有效的驱蚊酯,喷了花露水等于让自己“隐形”,蚊子察觉不到人类的存在,从而达成驱蚊效果。驱蚊酯温和有效,能够安心驱蚊7小时,淡雅花香,清新怡人。**Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 26.00 $ 22.99


作用:理气祛痰,润肺。用于寒咳,感冒,咽喉引起的痰多咳嗽。*服用方式:口服,一次15克(1汤匙),一日3次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 30.00 $ 23.99
-25%Sold Out


本产品用于调理肝郁脾虚,肝胃不和引起的不适。* 用法用量:口服,每次6-12粒,每日2次 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
$ 10.00 $ 7.50


用法用量:口服。一次1丸,一日2-3次。*Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace your doctor’s...
$ 18.00 $ 12.99
-50%Sold Out


复方五味子敛肺补肾,养心安神,用于调理病后体虚,心悸不宁等。*服法和用量:每次2片,每日3次,孕妇忌服。 请注意:这些声明尚未经过FDA评估。本产品不用于诊断,治疗,治愈或预防任何疾病。本产品不能代替医生的处方药
$ 19.99 $ 9.99


本品有滋阴润燥,清肺化痰,润喉之功效。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50


六味地黄丸(也被称为六味地黄片,六味地黄汤,六味茶丸),是一种营养丰富的中草药配方,可滋养人体的阴部(补液和清凉)。 阴虚的人会出现诸如出汗,低烧,头晕,耳鸣,出汗,下背部酸痛等症状。* 用法用量:每次8粒,一天3次。 Safety Consult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep...
$ 12.99 $ 8.50

葛仙翁喉康散(3克) - 2盒

本产品清热解毒,消炎止痛。用于各种咽喉疾患,如急性、慢性咽炎,喉炎,扁桃体炎,口腔溃疡。* 用法用量:喷射给药,喷患处,每次适量,每日2-3次 *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot replace...
$ 18.00 $ 13.99


适应范围:可帮助清热解毒,凉血利咽。用于缓解肺胃热盛所致的咽喉肿痛、口咽干燥等。*用法用量:一日3次,每次1-2袋。SafetyConsult your herbalist or healthcare professional before use if you are currently under care. Discontinue use if allergic reaction occurs. Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of...
$ 29.99 $ 19.99
-32%Sold Out


主要原料:柴胡、黄芩、姜半夏、党参、生姜、甘草、大枣。 主要作用:帮助解表散热,疏肝和胃。缓解外感病,邪犯少阳证,症见寒热往来、胸胁苦满、食欲不振、心烦喜呕、口苦咽干。* 用法用量:开水冲服。一次1~2袋,一日3次。 Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product cannot...
$ 39.99 $ 26.99